The Gifts of Return

“The point of traveling is not to arrive, but to return home laden with pollen you shall work up into honey the mind feeds on.”

R. S. Thomas

My husband and I returned mid June from our month long trip to Europe, which included two weeks in Italy studying the lives of St. Benedict and St. Francis, a week in England with our three grown kids, and a week long retreat in France at the Chartres Cathedral, where I wrote poetry and walked the 12th century labyrinth embedded in the floor of the amazing medieval Cathedral.

I’m still trying to integrate all that we experienced. Traveling is highly stimulating and I considered myself more of a pilgrim than tourist for the most part. By the end of the 4th week, I was indeed LADEN with pollen. I understand better Thomas’s quote, for my mind, heart and soul will be feeding on the honey for many months.

Hopefully I can impart some tidbits in this blog that will help fortify my memories. The picture above are small tokens of moments that have become highly meaningful during the trip. Candles, feathers, stones and rocks, the Camino shell, the St. Francis cross, the Chartres labyrinth, coins all have memories tied to them. My senses and mind absorbed so much, and at one point, I actually broke down for fear that I would forget. Blogging and working on a couple of Shutterfly books, sharing moments with interested friends all help to seal the memories and will, I trust, continue to feed my mind, heart and soul.