Growth and Change

I've been thinking a bit about growth and change recently.  Stagnation, which could be the opposite, can be comfortable, but boring after awhile.  I believe we as human beings, are wired by our Creator to grow and change physically, but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

How does this sense of "moving forward" happen for us?  Sometimes life is out of our control, and "things happen" to promote changes in our thinking and understanding.  Health problems and loss are a couple of these unexpected challenges that can come upon us in life.  If we are reflective around these events, we can deepen in wisdom, patience and grace.

I have been considering what change could look like in my own life as I transition into "semi" retirement.  Schooling for learning can promote growth, and I have been considering taking some art classes.  Engaging in creativity can stimulate the soul, senses and spirit.  Service might be another avenue to awaken the heart and mind, as there is great meaning in investing time and energy  to others in need.  Finally, relationships surely promote growth and change within us, as we learn that the world does not center solely around ourselves and our wants and needs.  We are challenged in relationships to lead a more sacrificial life on behalf of those we love. 

I appreciate a life that offers the challenge of growth and change, and I am thankful for the many opportunities to experience the enrichment and deepening of growth and change experiences.