Lent 2020

The call of the desert is to choose life, and let go of all lesser considerations, all illusions, and in every situation, choose what your heart knows to be more loving and more life-giving.

It requires a pure heart, a heart that is open to God, that wants whatever God wants. I purify my heart whenever I ask God to show me the way, whenever I surrender my will to God’s will.

I’m not one for social isolation, even though I am pretty much an introvert. But God does have a way to get my attention. “Pull away! Spend time with Me!” That is the call of this season.

I have to admit that I have a hard time praying in my head. I generally do better if I write out my prayers, or pray in color through visual art or photography. I am grateful that my God is OK with this means of communication. In fact, does He not communicate His grace and love through visual means Himself? Nature is a big one, right?

I do believe that love is an action, and we see in scripture that Jesus prayed a lot but he also was active in his teaching, healing and loving. I am asking myself where I can be active in my faith and loving during this season as well. as being quiet with the Lord. My prayer, truly, is to be able to come closer to Him, listening for His whisper. I pray the same for you.

My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with Me.” and my heart responds, “Lord, I am coming!” Ps. 27:8