Long Days in Isolation

Who ever would have thought that the planet would be connected by an invisible enemy? Now we are all hiding out in our homes, fearful of looking out over the boulders toward the horizon to see if we are safe. Goodness!

While I have the privilege of working from home, or going up to my cabin in North Georgia to isolate, I find myself feeling weary, with a bit of angst off and on. I looked up the word “fatigue” and it seemed to fit this season: A state of temporary loss of power to respond. Loss of power. I ask myself…what can I control, and what can I NOT control?

What I observe as I talk with others via Zoom and via my tele-health platform as a counselor is that, while I feel the tension of the isolation, I am not alone in any of this. While many are confused by the mixed messages of the media, many are still coping fairly well and appreciating connecting with their families at home in a way that they were not doing in the midst of busy-ness. My heart goes out to working parents with children at home struggling with too many responsibilities, I’m encouraged by couples that have not been getting along and avoiding each other who are trying to reach out more toward each other.—but it’s not easy. I notice that puzzles on Amazon are on backorder til the end of May. Folks like myself are trying to notice the birds and blooming trees and flowers more. The predictability of Spring keeps me grounded.

So many questions, though.

Where is God in all of this? Is He allowing this? Is that goodness? Can I trust Him?

Without some kind of grounding, we stay in anxiety. When will this end?? How do I stay grounded? What do I go to for comfort? Is it Spring, or your faith, or the food in your refrigerator? How do you stay hopeful?

When much is striped away, what is left for you that is treasured? I pray that we can allow the mystery of this season to help us all see what is truly essential and important in life.

I simply put out these questions for us all to spend time considering…now that we have this time!

May you stay safe and healthy! May you know that even in isolation, you are not alone.